A low monthly fee, on the road to healthy

Unlimited, accessible, highly personalized health care for you

<p>A low monthly fee, on the road to <em>healthy</em></p>


I am 60 years old and this is the first Doctor that hasn’t left me waiting up to a hour to see them. Amazing one on one visit leaving me with the knowledge that my Doctor is truly just a phone call away.


Choose from three simple plans, based on your age range. Planned to be simple.

My direct primary care plans are priced very reasonably, based on the age range of the patient. These direct primary care plans are simple and straightforward and are intended to provide you the care you need, when and how you need it. These reasonable rates are many times less than the average person is paying for a mobile phone or cable bill each month.


Plan A
Age 15-39

Plan A is a comprehensive direct primary care plan for my patients in the age range of 15-39. You are the group who love the immediacy of electronic communication and mobile devices.
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Plan B
Age 40-64

Plan B is a comprehensive direct primary care plan for my patients in the age range of 40-64 who know what it’s like to be on work trips or be busy at the workplace.
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Plan C
Age 65 up

Plan C is a comprehensive direct primary care plan for my patients age 65 and up. You are the group who remember the direct, personal care of yesteryear with your doctor.
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What does the monthly fee cover?

In depth, comprehensive, annual wellness evaluation with lab and a personalized yearly wellness plan

Unlimited office visits, phone, or email

In office tests such as urinalysis, strep screens, flu tests, and pregnancy tests

Minor procedures such as cryotherapy, minor laceration repair, staple or stitch removal and other minor skin issues